Shirland Medical 2022 Patient Survey Results
Our patient survey feedback result are out now. Thank you to everyone who participated in December 2022’s patient survey.
Key findings include:
- Most patients are satisfied or very satisfied with the service we offer.
- Our patient choice system for doctor (GP) appointments is popular.
Based on your feedback we have already:
- Redesigned and improved our website with our new website provider and additional feedback from a digital accessibility group.
- Worked with our partners at the St Charles hub to offer evening and weekend appointments to see a GP, pharmacist, nurse or to have blood tests.
In 2023 we will:
- Look at acquiring more space in the medical centre to offer face to face appointments with a pharmacist.
- Aim to proceed with the process of becoming an approved training practice so we can host Doctors undertaking General Practitioner Qualifications.
- Continue to listen to your feedback.
See below for the survey results: